Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Demystifying Immigration Reform Legislation

This really may not be the best time to seek the “American Dream”. Just ask those who are illegally employed in this country. The numbers are so large and the voices so loud that the U.S. heard them. And the U.S. answered:

  • YOU WILL learn the English language.
  • YOU WILL be subject to federal prosecution for breaking the current laws on the book.
  • YOU WILL NOT be fast-tracked to citizenship, in fact
  • YOU WILL stand behind those who have followed procedure and are still waiting after a gazillion years for that elusive green card.
  • YOU WILL PAY a huge fine for your ingenuity in successfully entering the country, gaining employment and building lives for yourself and family members.
  • YOU WILL NOT be granted amnesty. (This means you will be a free criminal subject to imprisonment or deportation at will of the U.S.)

1 comment:

Federico Perazzoni said...

