Thursday, May 18, 2006


It has been said that the wealth of this country is owned by 10% of the population!!!!!!!!
That means that the other 90% are the pawns. They are the ones who give 90% of their time in service to the upper 10%. Oprah recently had a series on America’s Debt, which exposed some amazing numbers like “80%” of Americans are in debt!!!!!! Professionals like Doctors (those who specialize and are usually surgeons of some type), Pharmacists, and Attorneys in private practice or partnership; Economists, CPAs, Rocket Scientists (J) and CEO of fortune 500 firms are the 10-20%. They are the people who chair the boards of influential companies who in turn influence lobbyists who in turn influence congress who in turn influence legislation, which in turn keep the 90% in subject to them and debt. The rest of population is what we don’t like to call the “working class”.

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