Wednesday, May 24, 2006


People who hog seats on busy paid public transportation vehicles by placing personal items and/or laying across seats.


Convicted and facing certain execution DC Sniper, John Allen Muhammad currently representing himself in yet another state where he is on trial for murders relating to same sniping case.

Friday, May 19, 2006


Disingenuous chatter.


Mindless updates of “celebrities”. Does the world really want to know who, what, when, where, and how they live their private lives? And in knowing will it make lives better for others? How sad. The bottom line is there are only two kind of people…. the living and the dead.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


One of the hosts of a longstanding, mediocre morning show may need some intervention of some kind. Not going to name names or give hints like "it rhymes with jelly”.


Weather forecasts. Does it really take 30 minutes to say it’s going to be hot today? Is the viewer really impressed with all the “bells and whistles” (the simulated jetstreams, the dissolving map backgrounds, the daily lessons on the intricacies of how weather works)? Shouldn’t we just get a copy of the Farmers Almanac for the yearly forecast and buy back a couple of 100 hours of personal time?

Brother, keeper?

Statistically at least 80% of people are angry at any given time. Think about that. The person you pass on the street, sit next to on the bus, or interact with in your daily travels may be one of the angry. Maybe you are one of the” angry 80%”. It also seems true that strangers come together in time of crisis and duress. Katrina, the Tsunami , 911, and Columbine are a few examples of how people demonstrate capacity to interact with other in genuine caring ways. After the dust settles, its back to passing each other on streets without acknowledgement, standing in elevators together without as much as a smile, and sitting next to each other as if the other is invisible. The rest of the day or time is about us while humanity sits on the back burner reserved for the unexpected, uncontrollable catastrophic ball life serves every now and then as a wake-up call.


Cashiers who check 20-dollar bills for authenticity. (Your job is to handle money, not authenticate it) ....PEOPLE UNITE. Buy one of those little black pen and check every 20-dollar bill the cashier hands you, or maybe just hold the bill towards the light (and hope you don’t have to make a decision).

I Will Not Be Calling You Back Ms MCann

The reason is that I suspect you are not my friend. Why else would you call me and tell me your name but not tell me what you want. Why should I call you Ms? is that your first name because I am on first name basis with my friends and other fun people. And whats with the toll free 800 number? From my experience the only free calls are the expensive ones;-)

But Ms since you liked me first and enough to offer me a free call-back, I promise to consider you as a phone-pal once I know the "nature" of your call. Otherwise, just call me at another time when I am available to answer. Thank you and try to have a nice day.


It has been said that the wealth of this country is owned by 10% of the population!!!!!!!!
That means that the other 90% are the pawns. They are the ones who give 90% of their time in service to the upper 10%. Oprah recently had a series on America’s Debt, which exposed some amazing numbers like “80%” of Americans are in debt!!!!!! Professionals like Doctors (those who specialize and are usually surgeons of some type), Pharmacists, and Attorneys in private practice or partnership; Economists, CPAs, Rocket Scientists (J) and CEO of fortune 500 firms are the 10-20%. They are the people who chair the boards of influential companies who in turn influence lobbyists who in turn influence congress who in turn influence legislation, which in turn keep the 90% in subject to them and debt. The rest of population is what we don’t like to call the “working class”.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Demystifying Immigration Reform Legislation

This really may not be the best time to seek the “American Dream”. Just ask those who are illegally employed in this country. The numbers are so large and the voices so loud that the U.S. heard them. And the U.S. answered:

  • YOU WILL learn the English language.
  • YOU WILL be subject to federal prosecution for breaking the current laws on the book.
  • YOU WILL NOT be fast-tracked to citizenship, in fact
  • YOU WILL stand behind those who have followed procedure and are still waiting after a gazillion years for that elusive green card.
  • YOU WILL PAY a huge fine for your ingenuity in successfully entering the country, gaining employment and building lives for yourself and family members.
  • YOU WILL NOT be granted amnesty. (This means you will be a free criminal subject to imprisonment or deportation at will of the U.S.)