Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Unwillingness to embrace culture where one finds it.


One of MIT's own, Dean of Admission: Ms. Marilee Jones. After 10 solid and progressively successful work in the position, she was forced to resign due to lying. Apparently she was able to navigate the steps to Dean status with only one year of part-time college work.

Thats about, what, 15-28 college credits? The focus on her lack of "integrity" by lying seems frivolous in light of her capacity to be so effective and successful in a career without a college degree(s).

Makes you wonder if a college degree is overrated and if the system is short-changing itself by discounting viable candidates who lack degrees? It seems the only way to ensure acceptable access in a competitive marketplace without a degree is to "do" a Bill Gates or Steve Jobs...


So Paris is going to jail...

I don't want her to go. Basically for selfish reasons. You see if justice is finally meted out fairly regardless of wealth and the best defense it can buy, imagine the new impact on the poor and
non-celebrities of the world.

I think Paris should be required to take public transportation everyday for one year to a job at motor vehicles. She should be trained to work the information desk. If she gets a poor evaluation after 6 months on the job, then she should be either required to start over or be place under house arrest for one year.

Either way she'll be tied up and out of the way for a while. And thats what everyone seems to be asking for, right? Of course the media will have to cooperate by not stalking her for continued amusement and ratings, n'est pas?