Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Err...Thank You USPS!...

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."
Lately it seems as if the USPS (United States Postal Service) has been much in the news pondering its own survival from the days of the "pony express" to present.  They're saying that like everyone else, they're feeling the unpleasant effects of the economy  and the uncertainty of  how to survive.  So they're not sure if they will continue to be available to "deliver" mail to every capable mail-receiving resident  FREE of charge.  I sure hope so because I'm pretty sure they serve a very useful though unappreciated part in my life.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Elephant In the Room - All roads lead to tyra ROME

Does she really need 3 shows. Am I the only one who fail to "get it" about her? Dear God, please help me. Please help her. Please get rid of at least one of the "enabler" of the "all about me" syndrome/disorder.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Elephant In The Room - Seat "Stealer"

Not quite sure what to make of seat "filling". Those who have done so may have mixed views as well. Those who have blinked,(except palin), held lobby court a little to long or chatted up their fellow colleagues a little to far from seat to find their ticketed seat filled by a steala "filler" as well, may hold a more agitated opinion of the usefulness of this practice.(a phenomenon used mostly by "Hollywood" to give the illusion of standing room only crowd, as if someone looks at their screen and notice 4 vacant seats in a sea of sitters).